2018 Reflections
/A couple of weeks ago I was reflecting on this year by looking at all the pictures stored on my phone. The memories that were captured of the girls first dance recital, all the special time we were able to spend with my brother and his family, a dreamy trip to Europe in the summer, teaching at the European yoga festival, two transformative Ojai retreat weekends designed and lead by me, Giancarlo traveling across continents and managing time zones as Yogi Tea's new CEO, a wonderful family vacation in Mexico and many memories captured of time spent with family and friends. What isn't captured in our photos is the in-between moments. The minutes, days, weeks, and months of discomfort. This is the time that as a society we don't usually note as photo worthy but it is when the real transformation happens. The in-between is when your husband has been traveling for 3 weeks in a row with little sleep and needs extra care and attention even though your screaming what about ME inside, it's the comforting of your little one after she has a hard day at school and helping her brave into a new day, it's the difficult conversation you need to have with a partner although there is no time to connect, it's your husband's 2nd gallstone in a month, it's moving homes for the 5th time in 8 years, it's learning that a member of your community and their family is struggling, and it's all the pain that you see and feel in this world. These times are the ones that break us but they also make us into all that we are.
I am so grateful for 2018 as I feel it cracked us wide open. It was a beautiful year. We evolved into bigger versions of ourselves. I know if you take a pause you will also remember your breaking points. More than likely you won't find them in your Insta stories, Facebook posts or iPhone library but you will find them etched in your life experience. And although I enjoyed putting together a collage of our 2018 memories, this year we honor all the in-between moments. We appreciate the dark places that we embraced so our light could shine brighter.
In 2019 we are committed to living and loving more deeply, inspiring and uplifting all those we touch, and serving in a way that demonstrates what is possible in this ever-changing world. WIshing you and yours a Happy Holiday season and a blessed New Year.