Change with the Seasons

I hope you are enjoying the colder weather and longer nights.  I know I have. During 2019 I have been attuning my body and mind to the cycle of the seasons.  I've been inwardly reviewing what foods feel good for my body, the type of meditation that works for me and what type of movement feels good depending on the time of year.  As the seasons change, I change.

As an example, the month of December is interesting.  It's a celebratory time of year but also a period where we experience dark days and long nights.  In the northern hemisphere, during the first 3 weeks of the month, the time between the sun's rise and fall is less than any other time of year.  I know it is no coincidence that I crave deep rest and inward contemplation during this time.  Can you relate? As a mother what I am feeling inside does not always align with the festive asks of my family and friends during this period.  But, what I have learned is that when I honor the wisdom mother nature gave us it creates a more spacious, warm and loving experience for me and my family.  During this time of year,  I commit to at least an hour by myself each day.  I have included nourishing and deeply healing techniques that help me fully embrace this season.

  1. Prepare delicious food - Cooking warm foods creates a warm home.  Soups, casseroles, and root vegetables are perfect this time of year.

  2. Practice Meditation- Meditating before the sun rises and sets, helps us to begin and end the day in a peaceful manner.   An evening meditation also helps us access deep sleep.

  3. Indulge in evening baths- Experiencing an evening hot bath is a wonderful way to release the demands of the day.

  4. Find time outside alone- Breathing in mother nature and being in her presence automatically slows us down.  Weather permitting, find some time to take a walk, cross country ski, hike, or tend to your garden.

  5. Journal - Journaling about anything and everything is so beneficial this time of year.  Writing helps us to process our past experiences and dream of future possibilities.

  6. SLEEP- Sleeping during this time of year is key.  Did you know the best time to make up a lack of sleep from earlier in the year is the Winter? Try to go to bed an hour earlier than usual and experience how quickly your body rehabilitates itself.

It is possible to have a serene winter experience and a joyous holiday.  Like everything in life, it is about finding balance.  Winter officially starts on December 21st.  Leading up to this date I encourage you to implement 1-3 of these techniques during your week.  I'd love to hear about your experience. Wishing you a balanced and blessed holiday season!

