Gratitude Changes Everything

As we take a moment every day to stop, pause, and list all that we are thankful for in our life our attitude automatically changes and we begin to see the goodness in our lives. Before our eyes exist a life full of possibilities. We are GREAT and FULL and have so much to be thankful for. Numerous research studies have been conducted on how gratitude, which I believe is an open door to awareness can help build a healthy immune system and enhance overall wellbeing. Did you know that grateful people are:

  • Present - Living their life not from the past or the future but from this moment in time.

  • Happy - Enjoying their life. You can not be grateful and resentful at the same time. The sensation of gratitude blocks toxic, negative emotions, such as envy, resentment, and regret.

  • Stress - Resistant - Resilient to everyday stresses that weaken the immune system. Gratitude helps to repel toxicity from entering your body.

  • Confident -Embodying self-worth. Gratitude helps us to access our life's purpose.

I had so much fun on my latest podcast discussing gratitude with a long time friend and colleague Lori Stohs. Learn more about the research on this readily available tool to shift your mindset and different ways you can access gratitude daily. Happy listening! LISTEN HERE

